Hello, Ruby on Rails enthusiast!!
After 6 months of work, I proudly present to you this Ruby on Rails course.
The core topics of the course are :
- multitenancy
- subscriptions
Why? Because nowadays, when it comes to building web applications, the real money lies in:
- building apps for managing business processes (B2B)
- the Software as a Service business model
For the creation of the course and the application itself, I was deeply inspired by Laravel Spark.
By the end of the course you will:
- create your own SaaS multitenancy boilerplate step by step, feature by feature
- feel capable of building the next Salesforce, Slack or Trello
Core features that you will master:
1. Multitenancy - complete implementation of row-based multitenancy with acts_as_tenant
2. Devise invitable - invite users via email
3. Advanced oAuth - connect multiple social accounts for one user
4. Internationalization (i18n) - whole translation guide
5. Authorization (role-based access) without any gems
6. ActiveStorage and AWS S3 - upload files to cloud storage
7. Omnicontacts - feature to import google contacts
8. Plan-based restrictions - limit access to different features
9. Admin dashboard - build an admin interface without any gems
10. Subscriptions engine - fully integrate the SaaS business model
11. Stripe integration - receive subscription payments from users
Gems covered:
- acts_as_tenant
- devise
- simple_form
- devise_invitable
- friendly_id
- active_storage_validations
- aws-sdk-s3
- exception_notification
- invisible_captcha
- omniauth-google-oauth2
- omniauth-github
- omnicontacts
- rails-i18n
- devise-i18n
- stripe